About Sojourner

Sojourner School of Ministry exists to equip and to disciple young adults for full-time ministry. Our aim is to instill in our students a passion and love for Christ and the lost. We believe that throughout the Sojourner program, our students gain a radical perspective on life—that we are merely sojourners on earth, here for God’s purpose and not our own. We believe a grounded understanding of the Bible is essential to every Christian worker. God’s Word is our compass, directing us true north. For that reason, our program is largely focused on an in-depth study of the Bible.
We don’t want our students to merely learn about ministry, we want them to experience it. We believe that our students can make a difference now. Sojourner students serve alongside full-time missionaries throughout the entire program. This gives our students the opportunity to do life with dedicated Christians daily.
We never want the financial burden of Bible school to hold back missionaries. For this reason, Sojourner School of Ministry is tuition free. Room and board are also given to the students free of charge. Students are required to raise support for summer mission trips, and their internships.
Why Sojourner?
Sojourner School of Ministry is a program of Teen Missions International. Teen Missions International exists to launch participants into a lifetime of missions involvement. We are passionate about helping youth, and discipling the next generation to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
It was from this heart to prepare youth for ministry that led Teen Missions to grow their discipleship ministry to include college-age young adults. In 1988, Teen Missions opened its first Bible school in Merritt Island, Florida. Our Sojourner School of Ministry quickly grew around the world. Today we have 29 Bible schools worldwide, with over 700 students.